Assistant Professor Email:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University
Publications: google scholar, DBLP
My research focuses on combinatorial algorithms and computational methods for data analysis, especially data that can be modeled by a graph or network. This combines interests in CS theory, computational science, discrete mathematics, and various data science applications.
New and Events
- February 20-22, 2025. I will be participating in the upcoming ICERM workshop on Fusing Theory and Practice of Graph Algorithms.
- January 2025. I recently agreed to serve as one of the co-chairs for the SIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX26), to be held in Vancouver, CA in January 2026. Stay tuned in the coming months for more details, including a call for papers!
- January 2025. I have been elected as one of the officers (specifically, the Secretary) of the SIAM Activity Group on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA).
- January 11-15, 2025. Traveled to New Orleans, LA, to attend SODA/SOSA/ALENEX 2025.
See here for earlier news and my news page for more detailed updates.